How to Locate & Close Spirit Portals.

Today is a very weird day, but it has inspired this blog entry.

So far I have seen not one, but TWO figures walk across the width of our backyard this afternoon. Our backyard is surrounded by a 6 foot high wooden privacy fence and we have two side gates that we keep locked at all times. Unless someone climbs the fence, there is no way to enter our backyard without our knowledge.

The first figure was that of a man who looked in at me through the window in our backdoor as he walked across our deck. He was an older man, probably in his 60s, in a dark black coat. In the middle of summer. In Houston! I ran to the back door thinking oh my gods, who the hell is in my backyard & is the door locked? Thankfully it was locked & as I looked out through the window of our back door the man was nowhere to be seen.

I  ran out there with the dog & both side gates were locked from the inside. There was nowhere that man could have gone unless he managed to jump the six foot high privacy fence, which I sincerely doubt considering his age.

Two hours later I see a dark-haired boy out there, probably around 8 or 9. He was also walking across the yard in the same direction as the man, and at about the same spot. I repeat my actions. Gates were still locked, no sign of the kid. To top it off I’ve been smelling incense off and on all day today.I haven’t burned any incense in over two weeks because my daughter is sick from mono.

When it cools off tonight I’m going outside with my pendulum to see if I can identify any portals. My best guess is that a new spirit portal has opened up. We used to have one in our front yard that I successfully shut down and there were 2 in my daughter’s room. Now there’s only one in her bathroom. No matter how many times I shut it down, that particular portal keeps coming back. She sees all sorts of stuff in her bathroom & thinks it’s cool, including a woman dressed in a long white gown who will actually step out of her bathroom, take a look around my daughter’s room, and then shake a finger at her! When she tells me this I say to her, “you see? Your room is so messy you’re upsetting our ghosts!”


Pendulums can be used to identify portals.  If you practice a healing modality; such as, Reiki, you can use that energy to close the portal. The process is very simple.

Any weighted object attached to a chain or string can be used as a pendulum. In the picture you are looking at my personal collection. The pendulum on the left is made of copper pipe with copper wire wrapping. This is used for clearing and balancing the chakras. The pendulum in the center is made of amethyst (my favorite stone) and I use that one for divination. The pendulum on the right is my favorite pendant shown here as an example of how a pendant can also serve as a pendulum.

With your pendulum (dowsing rods will also work if you have any) slowly walk the area of the suspected portal. Keep an eye on your pendulum and pause about every other step. If your pendulum starts to rotate you have identified a portal.

Portals are either an entry or exit point to the physical world from the spirit world.

The next step is to use your pendulum to identify which type of portal you have discovered. This is also very simple. Your pendulum will be swinging either in a clockwise or counterclockwise circle.

Clockwise circle: you have found a portal that allows spirits to enter the physical plane.

Counterclockwise circle: you have found a portal that serves as an exit point for spirits to leave the physical plane and return to their own world.

IMPORTANT: You do NOT want to shut down an exit point! Exit points are necessary, otherwise spirits would get trapped here.

If you find a portal that is serving as an ENTRY point, you can close it down. For this you will need to have been attuned to Reiki or some other healing modality that you can use to direct energy down from the universe, through your body, out through your hand, and into your pendulum. This is the process I use:

I open myself up to the flow of Reiki as I say a prayer for protection. I draw the Master symbol followed by 3 Cho Ku Rei’s, followed by 3 Sei He Ki’s, followed by 3 more Cho Ku Rei’s. If you’re attuned to first degree then simply focus on channeling the energy.

I channel the energy down through my crown chakra down to my feet, into the earth, then up again through my feet, up my legs into my torso and along my arms and out through my hands. At this point you can state your intention to shut down the entry portal. Then keep an eye on your pendulum.

The pendulum should continue swinging clockwise this entire time and not waiver from that direction, but once the Reiki begins to flow into the portal what will happen is the portal will start to decrease in size until it closes. You know it has closed down when your pendulum completely stops rotating or swinging.

Once your pendulum has stopped moving, step back 2 – 3 paces and wait a few seconds. Then return to the same spot and test that spot for the portal. Your pendulum should not react in ANY way if you have successfully closed the portal. If it does react, then you’re dealing with a very large or strong portal and you will need to repeat the procedure in order to shut it down.

Please remember to leave all EXIT portals alone. Your pendulum will swing counterclockwise when it identifies an exit portal. Those must remain in place so our spirit guides and other spirits have an easy exit point back to their world.

If you are experiencing paranormal activity in your home it could be that your home contains one or more portals. Locate them using a pendulum and if you find an entry portal, simply shut it down. New entry portals can form, but it’s rare for them to occur in the same exact spot again, except for my daughter’s bathroom sink! That portal keeps coming back and if I’ve closed it down once, I’ve closed it down 500 times in the 14 years we’ve lived in this house. Just keep at it. This method is simple and it really does work.


~ Nefer Khepri, PhD., R. M-T.

Tarot & Lenormand Readings, Spells, & Visionary Art

The Egyptian Lenormand: signed & activated copies


Twitter: @NeferKhepri



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