Trump & Binding Magic

The word is that today, February 24, 2017 witches are going to band together in a concerted effort to perform a binding on President Trump.

Let me state up front: I am NOT a Trump supporter; however, we are stuck with him as our President so we must make the best of this situation.

A binding spell strips a person of their personal power. They become ineffective in all that they attempt to accomplish. Do these witches really wish for an American president to become completely ineffectual and powerless? That would put the United States of America at great risk! It would put her people at great risk.

Please reconsider!!

newbie witch.jpgA binding is NOT the way to do this. In fact, a binding will only cause a severe karmic backlash for whoever decides to participate. I really do not believe these newbie or wannabe witches even know what they’re doing. Bindings exist for the chief purpose of dealing with a person who has escaped justice, who has severely wronged or hurt another. A binding is then performed to prevent that person from harming or wronging someone else.

That is the true nature of a binding. What these newbie witches are suggesting is that the binding be performed with the intention of stripping the President of his personal power. I have seen a binding ritual in circulation that even invokes demons. Demons? Really? Would you seriously wish to ask a demon for help in anything? Such “help” comes at a VERY HIGH price. Practitioner beware!!

Whatever happened to karma, or the Law of Three? That’s what I’d like to ask these so-called witches.

I would never do anything to cause anyone else any harm because I don’t believe in harming others and I do what I can to safeguard my karma. I believe in the Law of Three, which simply states that what we send out – whether you are a witch or not & whether you believe in this Law or not – comes back to us three times over. This is true for EVERYONE, not just witches. I constantly see the Law of Three at work in my life and the lives of those close to me. What we send out DOES come back to us. So why send out negative energy when the situation can be taken care of much more effectively with positive energy? This way there is no karmic backlash for the witch and you will not be causing harm to another person.

Those who are thinking of participating in the binding on President Trump, think of it this way. MUCH MORE can be achieved with POSITIVE energy, plus there is no karmic backlash  for you, as there is with a binding. Keep in mind what you send out comes back to you. That is FACT.

For an idea of what you can do instead, here is what I have been doing quietly on my own.

Once a week I light a white candle FOR Trump. That’s right, FOR, not against. I am NOT a Trump supporter. I cannot STAND the man, but I do believe in doing what I can to support my country. When I light that little white candle I focus on Trump & his cabinet having the GOOD SENSE to govern our country for its highest good. I focus on Trump governing with compassion. I focus on clearing his chakras of blocks and imbalances (which he has in abundance, unfortunately).

The most recent St. Michael candle I lit for Trump on January’s full moon. This one actually looks much better than the previous candles!

Sure, all the candles I’ve burned so far have turned black as pitch as if I’m burning them for the devil himself, but hey, perhaps one day they’ll start to burn clear.

I still work at it. Once a week. I ask my pagan friends to please consider doing the same instead of jumping on the Negativity & Fear bandwagon.

Much more good can be accomplished with positive energy than what could ever be carried out via negative energy. The bonus is that you are not harming another person or causing yourself any karmic harm in the process.

Remember, the Light ALWAYS overcomes the dark.


Wishing you many blessings!

~ Nefer Khepri, PhD., R. M-T.

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